Belesemo Reference Sires

(RD Arizon x Asa Miss Fantasia)
Champion Stallion - Halter
Owned by Ralph & JoAnn Kewish
Howard, Colorado
A champion halter and most classic head stallion, this beautiful 15.2 hand 9" bone Belesemo bred horse captured the following National titles:
National - AERC Jim Jones Stallion Mileage Champion
1st - AERC Mountain Region Mileage Champion
2,610 endurance miles to date

"My decision to purchase Fantizon as a yearling from Belesemo Arabians was far from rational as I was seeking an older horse and definitely not a stallion. But Fantizon has more than validated my emotional decision."
Part of the reason Fantizon does so well is he takes care of himself on the rides. He eats, drinks, rests when necessary and doesn't burn excess energy. He has the energy to go down the trail and he is such a gentleman as a stallion - a marvelous disposition.
"His offspring have his disposition, excellent conformation and tremendous bone. Zoni is a pleasure!" JoAnn Kewish
BA Fantizon occasionally stands for service at Belesemo Arabians. Some of these outstanding foals are for sale. For information on them please go to our sales page.