Belesemo Reference Sires
(Belesemo Trad x Zimara by Ga'Zi)
Liver Chestnut - 15 hands. Magic was not shown due to injury but has produced outstanding offspring that are excelling in both the show ring and out on the trail. Magic is one of our Trad sons that assumed the mantle of heir apparent in our breeding program. With 4 close crosses to Abu Farwa, he produced the "look and ability of Trad." His pedigree was one of the finest CMK old line pedigrees as Magic is out of a Ga'zi daughter. Magic was becoming known for producing size and substance with great beauty. He has produced halter as well as performance horses such as: Belesema Rosetta - 1,835 AERC miles and Belesema Tayyara - 1155 miles and 2010 & 2011 Tevis Cup finisher.
Magic is a paternal sibling to AERC and Sport Horse National Champions.